OpenGD77 Instructions by Ian Spencer DJ0HF v5.1A 7.6.2021 Uploading the OpenGD77 Firmware and Voice Prompts Please note! If you ever wish to restore your GD77 or GD77S to its factory stock firmware, before you follow the below steps, please follow the steps in the document called "Restoring stock Radioddity Firmware onto a GD77 or GD77S.txt". If you do not do this, you will not be able to restore the radio to factory firmware in the future. Although these detailed instructions are for the GD77 the new OpenGD77 firmware is also available for the GD77S, the DM-1801 and the RD-5R radios. When we get to the part of actually uploading the firmware if you are not using a GD77 then I will tell you to cursor up or down to the Other Radios folder to select the correct firmware for your radio. But first of all you are going to need the official firmware from Radioddity which will be merged with the OpenGD77 firmware by the CPS program and which for licence reasons I am not able to include in the package. If you don’t need detailed instructions then use the link below to download this firmware and save it to the GD77BH folder on your desktop. If you have any problems you can go to my website which is where you downloaded this package, go to Downloads, then OpenGD77 and then Updates and choose the button which links to the Radioddity GD77 Firmware. If you need more detailed instructions for downloading the firmware from Radioddity then here they are for Edge/Chrome and Firefox. First Edge/Chrome When you select the link above Edge or Chrome begins running and automatically downloads the zip file which may take a little time depending on the speed of your internet connection. Once the download is complete you just need to hit Enter to start ‘Windows Explorer’ then you can go down these instructions to ‘continue downloading’. Firefox If you are using Firefox then when you select the link above Firefox will start and a window will open with two radio buttons if you are on the save radio button then you need to cursor up once to get to the Open with radio button and the default program in the combo box should be Windows Explorer, so just hit Enter. Wait for the download to finish and for windows Explorer to open and then go to ‘Continue Downloading’ which is the next paragraph. Continue downloading Cursor down once to get to GD-77 Firmware and software and then hit Enter. Now cursor down until you get to GD-77_v4.3.6.sgl and then hold the Ctrl key and hit C to copy the file. Then hit F4 to close windows explorer and then F4 again to close Edge/Chrome/Firefox as you are finished with the internet. Go to your Desktop and hit g until you locate your GD77BH folder and then hit Enter to open it followed by holding the Ctrl key and hitting v to copy the file into the folder. Now you are completely ready to upload the firmware to your GD77, whether you choose to install the official version or Joe’s version is your choice. Nearly all of the functionality will be the same in both versions but both Joe’s version and the official version my have some advanced features which are not in the other version. Of course you can always upload one version, try it and then upload the other version to try it if you want to and then keep the one you like best. Pull down the rubber cover on the right hand side of the radio with your finger tip to give access to the mic and earphone sockets then plug the GD77 cable (do not use an MD380 cable which looks the same but it will not work) into the mic/earphone sockets of the GD77, plug the USB end of the cable into a USB port on your computer. On the left hand side of the radio hold the bottom two buttons called SK1 and SK2 (below the long PTT button) depressed at the same time and turn on the GD77. You should hear a burble from windows as it recognizes the device but the screen on the GD77 will remain blank. Now on your computer move the focus to your desktop and hit o until find the OpenGD77CPS short cut and hit Enter to start it. Type Alt+e and then hit f. A window opens allowing you to choose which model of DMR handy you want to upload too. If you have uploaded firmware before with this CPS then you can skip the next step and simply tab 4 times and then go to Continue uploading firmware further down this page. If this is the first time you have uploaded firmware with this CPS then the GD-77 is the default so if you’re using a GD77 then just hit tab once and then hit Enter or if you are working with another radio then hit tab 3 times and cursor up or down to the radio you want and then hit tab 3 times followed by Enter. A standard windows explorer window will open with the focus on the filename edit field. However if this is the first time you have uploaded firmware with the program then windows explorer will be sitting on your PC Documents folder which is not where your firmware file is located, it is in the Desktop folder so type Alt+Cursor Up until you reach desktop and then shift+tab followed by hitting the letter g until you find your GD77BH folder, when you have found it then hit Enter cursor up or down to get to the GD-77_V4.3.6.sgl file. and then hit Enter a window will appear saying that the official firmware has been verified and you are on the OK button so just hit Enter. Now tab three times to reach the select file and update button and hit enter. Continue Uploading Firmware :- try cursor up and down to see if you can find the file fwgd77, if not your windows explorer is probably sitting on your PC Documents folder which is not where your firmware file is located, it is in the Desktop folder GD77BH so if you are on the documents folder so type Alt+Cursor Up until you reach desktop and then shift+tab followed by hitting the letter g until you find your GD77BH folder, when you have found it then hit Enter You can now choose install the official OpenGD77 from Roger or Joe’s version of Opengd77. Cursor up and down to find the file fwgd77 which is the official version or look for joefwgd77 which is Joe’s version of the firmware. If you are using another type of radio then scroll up or down till you find the Other Radios folder, hit Enter and then scroll to the radio and version you want to use and hit Enter. The uploading of the firmware will start automatically and takes less than a minute. Once the upload is finished there will be a tone from the CPS program and a new window saying Firmware Update Complete will open and you are focused on the OK button. Just hit enter and a new window will open and you are focused on the Close button so just hit enter. Now turn off the GD-77 but leave it connected to the computer and then switch it back on without and it’s very important without pressing any of the buttons on the left hand side of the radio. We are going to select and upload an audio package of voice prompts. Type ALT+e and then hit o and you have a new window OpenGD77 Support and you are focused on the Restore EEProm button. Hit the cursor down 5 times and you should be focused on Write Voice Prompts, make sure you are really focused on Write Voice Prompts as there are other options in this window that you don’t want to carry out. So you are on Write Voice prompts and you just need to hit Enter. A standard Windows Explorer window will open and the focus is on the File Name edit field so now you have to choose a voice for your radio, if you are using the official OpenGD77 firmware then you should type voicem.vpr for a male voice or voicef.vpr for a female voice. If however you are using Joe’s firmware then type joevoicem.vpr or joevoicef.vpr then hit Enter and the writing of the Voice Prompts to the GD77 will automatically begin, if you get a file not found then you are probably on the other radios folder and need to go up one level to get back to the main GD77BH file list which is where the voice files are located. the voice prompt package is the same for all types of radio supported by OpenGD77. Remember that these instructions try to keep everything as straightforward as possible so if you want to load a different voice prompt file for maybe a different language you will have to navigate to it on your computer and select it before hitting Enter. When the upload is finished the computer will give a tone and you will be on a new window focused on the Close button so just hit Enter. We are now finished with the CPS program for now so type ALT+F4 a new window will open asking if you want to save the code plug and you are focused on the yes button, hit tab to move to the No button and hit enter. Turn off your GD77 Unplug the cable from the GD77 and the computer Turn on your GD77 and you’re ready to go provided you have a code plug installed if not then go to 3 - Creating a code plug PDF or 3 – Creating a code plug MP3 the instructions for creating and uploading a code plug.