OpenGD77 Instructions by Ian Spencer DJ0HF v2.4A 26.7.2020 Installing the CPS Program Although these instructions are for the GD77 there are versions of the OpenGD77 firmware available not only for the Radioddity GD77 but also for the GD77S , Baofeng DM-1801 and RD-5R hand held DMR/FM transceivers. Whenever a major change occurs to OpenGD77 the new files will be added to this package and the version number and date will change. OpenGD77 has a very wide range of functions but I want to concentrate here on the most useful and easy to use functions for the Blind Ham in OpenGD77. Like all DMR radios you will need to create and upload a code plug to the GD77 but unlike standard DMR code-plugs you only need 1 channel for each repeater or hot-spot that you want to use (so if you are using a hot-spot you may only need one channel) and you specify the talk-groups you want to use completely separately. This means you can change the channel that is repeater or hot-spot you want selected using the up and down keys on the keypad of the GD77 and also select any talk-group you want to use with the right and left keys on the keypad and even if you do not have the talk group that you want to use in the code plug you can manually enter it from the keypad. Also if you hear someone who is not on the talk group you have selected then one key press puts you on that talk-group and you can speak to them. You can also change the Time Slot and switch from DMR to FM with a single key press. All this will be covered in more detail in the instructions for using the Beep and Voice feedback options. There are instructions for uploading the latest firmware and voice prompts, Writing/Creating a code plug, Uploading the Code plug, the layout of the GD77 Keypad and turning on and using the beep and voice feedback options of OpenGD77 and finally a section on more advanced functions. The instructions are available as PDF files and also as MP3 audio files where as far as possible I will try to leave pauses so that you can follow the instructions while listening to the audio and for the PDF each new action is on a new line. To follow these instructions you only need to use the keyboard of your windows machine and a screen reader which will help warn you if you make a typing error or other problem occurs.I have tried to make these instructions as robust as possible but I cannot guarantee that they will work for every possible configuration of computer. If you are using something like Jaws or NVDA please be careful because the screen reader may give you lots of hints and tips which I ask you to ignore as if you deviate from these procedures by typing something different or missing out an action then you will probably not successfully complete the procedure. I checked the pdf’s by opening them with Edge and using the Narrator screen reader as both are free and available on all Windows 10 machines. By all means use your favourite screen reader but if you have any problems then please try with Edge/Narrator. Please remember that these detailed instructions will only work with the complete package supplied with this documentation. If you are using other versions of the CPS, the Firmware or voice prompts then although some parts will work you may encounter problems because of the differences. When in the instructions I say hit a key it means just a single key if you need to use more than one key I say type so for Enter I would say hit the Enter key for ALT+s I say type ALT+s as you don’t hit ALT but hold it while hitting s. Our first job is installing the very important CPS program which we will use to configure everything in our GD77. Set the focus to your desktop and type g until you land on the GD77BH folder and then hit Enter. Now hit the o key as a shortcut to locate the OpenGD77CPSInstaller file and when you have found it hit Enter. If this is the first time you have run this program then Windows may display a warning window that this is unknown software if it does this then tab once to get to the more info then hit Enter and then tab twice and hit enter again. You may be asked by windows for permission to modify the system if it does then just type Alt+y to allow it. The program will start and a new window will open with the focus on Next so just hit Enter. There will then be a new window again with the focus on Next so just hit Enter. A new window opens with a tick box if it is not already ticked then hit space to tick the box and enable the program to create a short cut on your desktop and then hit enter and on the next window just hit Enter to install the CPS program. After a short delay the finished window will open so just hit Enter. This will start the CPS program but we don’t want to use it at this time so type Alt+F4 followed by Tab and then hit the space bar and you are all finished for the moment. When you are ready to upload the firmware to your GD77 continue with 2-Firmware Upload PDF or 2-Firmware Upload MP3. Have fun and enjoy using your GD77